
Frequent GMP Question: How many Signatures are required for Validation Protocols/ Reports?

As part of the validation and qualification activities for the production of medicinal products, the following question often arises: how many signatures have to be put under the respective protocols and reports? Which part do the Heads of Production and QA play for the signatures? Read more about the answers provided by the EU GMP Guide.

WHO publishes second Draft on the Revision of its Process Validation Guideline

Comments to the first draft on the revision of the current process validation guideline (for non-sterile processes) from April 2014 have now flowed into the second one. This is obvious at one point or another. Read more.

Austrian QP Association (aqpa) publishes Comments on the Annex 15 Draft

The publication of the revised draft of the EU GMP Guide's Annex 15 is the opportunity for the EMA to get comments on it. The opportunity has been used by the Austrian QP Associaton (aqpa). Read more about the comments.

APIC publishes Guidance on Cleaning Validation in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Plants

An APIC multinational working group has compiled a new guidance on cleaning validation with the title "APIC Guidance on Aspects of Cleaning Validation in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Plants". Publication date is May 2014 and the document can be downloaded from the APIC website. Here you will find a summary description of the document.

Validation - Revision of Annex 15: Industry's "problems" - Results of an ECA Industry Survey

With the publication of a draft on the revision of Annex 15 at the beginning of February 2014, movement was brought into the GMP requirements on validation and qualification - also in Europe. Changes attributable to revision of Annex 15 should not be underestimated. The European Compliance Academy (ECA) has carried out a survey and determined how industry assesses these possible changes and which uncertainties exist concerning the revision draft. To get a conclusion on the analysis of the survey read this news.

WHO publishes Draft on Process Validation

Dated April 2014 the WHO published a proposal for the revision of appendix 7 (non-sterile process validation) as a supplementary to the Guidelines on Good Manufacturing Practices. The reason given for the revision is compliance with actual GMP requirements. The following is an in-depth analysis.

EMA issues Draft Guideline on Process Validation for Biotechnological Products - an Analysis

In the GMP Newsletter last week we already reported about the EMA Draft Guideline of Process Validation for biotechnological products. To get a more detailed analysis please see this news.

EMA publishes Guideline Draft on Validation of biotechnology-derived Products

For the EMA, it was necessary to develop an independent guideline on the topic as - despite the existence of harmonised ICH documents - specific aspects of the validation of biotechnology-derived products have been missing. A draft is now available.

Is the end of the periodic revalidation coming with the revision of Annex 15?

The planned revision of Annex 15 doesn't provide for a periodic revalidation any more. Can it therefore be dropped in the future? The following is an overview of the actual requirements concerning the periodic revalidation or its possible cancellation.

Planned Annex 15 Revision: What Changes are really new in the Chapter on Cleaning Validation?

The number of sub items addressed in the chapter on cleaning validation regarding the revisions of Annex 15 has doubled. But what is really new? Get the answer here. 
