
Derogations for Equipment Qualification due to COVID-19

End of May, another new part under the heading "GMP Flexibilites" was added to the Questions & Answers document prepared by the EC, the CMDh, the Inspectors Working Group and the EMA. This new part now includes special features for the qualification of equipment (question 6.2).

New Chapter in the European Pharmacopoeia on Multivariate Statistical Process Control

In our News dated 19.08.19, we had mentioned the draft of a new Ph. Eur. chapter  (5.28) regarding Multivariate Statistical Process Control. This chapter has now been adopted and will be published in the October 2020 issue.

Derogation for Process Validation due to Covid-19

In order to be able to continue to provide the population with high-quality, effective and safe medicinal products during the Covid-19 pandemic, Europe is taking exceptional measures. A Q&A document has been prepared in cooperation between the European Commission, the Coordination Group on Mutually Recognised and Decentralised Procedures (CMDh), the Inspectors Working Group and the European Medicines Agency (EMA). At the end of May, special features for process validation (question 6.2) were added under the heading "GMP Flexibilites".

Design Qualification from the FDA's Perspective

Is there a specific FDA requirement for a Design Qualification? The answer is (actually) No.

What does "State of Control" mean for the FDA?

In the context of process validation, the FDA attaches considerable importance to a "state of control". The FDA expects evidence of this "state of control" as part of stage 3 "continued process verification" within the validation lifecycle. Now, what exactly does the FDA want to see? Parts of the answer to this question can be found in Warning Letters.

How does the FDA deal with Processes that cannot be validated?

In an interesting Warning Letter, the FDA replies to a letter from a pharmaceutical manufacturer that had received a 483 deficiency report in which the FDA criticized, among other things, deficiencies in process validation. Read more about the correspondence.

US Manufacturer of homeopathic Medicines and nutritional Supplements receives FDA Warning Letter

From inadequate cleaning to poor laboratory controls of quality and purity - a manufacturer of homeopathics in the U.S. received a Warning Letter from the FDA.

cGMP Qualification/Running of Water Systems

Water systems are one of the most important systems in the pharmaceutical industry. What are the GMP requirements for the qualification and running of these systems? The US GMP regulations (21 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 210/211) do not provide much concrete information on this. There is still a Guide to Inspection for FDA inspectors from the early 90s. So, what does the FDA expect today? A current Warning Letter provides a few answers.

FDA's Current Thinking on Process Validation

When it comes to process validation, FDA's Process Validation Guidance from 2011 is state-of-the-art. It is interesting to see how the FDA would like to see the guidance implemented. Here, the findings described in Warning Letters issued after FDA inspections can help. A recent Warning Letter regarding deficiencies to 21 CFR 211.100 from October 2019 mentions the following.

Process Validation in Homeopathic Manufacturing - FDA's Perspective

In a current Warning Letter, the FDA describes the process validation requirements imposed on a contract manufacturer of homeopathic medicinal products.
