The first GMP-Song ever?

Perhaps the first GMP song? A somewhat unusual subject. How did it come about? The Equipment Qualification Forum took place in Heidelberg at the beginning of November with of over 40 participants and speakers. The forum was the platform for the presentation of the new ECA Good Practice Guide “Qualification and Validation” version 3.0. The forum also included a “live workshop” on the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of equipment qualification. The head of the ECA Validation Group, Ralf Gengenbach, used a section on the tasks of the system user in the Good Practice Guide as a basis. He copied this section into AI software and asked for its simplification. He copied this simplification a second time into the AI software and asked for a further simplification. The request from the auditorium to make a song out of this twice simplified text

Another AI generated music from the text. Listen for yourself! You can find the song and lyrics on the ECA Validation Group website. You can also read the summary of the Equipment Qualification Forum. If you are not yet a member of the ECA Validatiom Group, simply complete the registration form. Membership is free of charge. And how is AI actually being used in equipment qualification? 

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